Thursday, May 10, 2007


As I continue to read more about what we are doing to our planet and how we can change our habits and help change direction, I have learned about what Riane Eisler calls the partnership model. This is a way of dealing with relationships in every aspect of our lives--in personal relationships, community relationship, and even our relationship to our planet. She mentions in some of her books how this model is applied in all these areas. Her book The Power of Partnership outlines how we can apply this philosophy in our lives. It's funny that as I am reading I am beginning to identify living examples of this. I am currently taking EDSP 400 and I am fascinated by what I am learning about special education. One thing I noticed is that in this area I have seen this model at work. The families, school, community etc. come together to help people with special needs reach their full potential and live productive, happy, "normal" lives. The parents, family and support staff are not selfish people---they're extremely caring and giving. I have also begun to notice that there are people in all segments of society who are doing things to help make our society, our planet a better place. I learned last week at Claremont Graduate University that one of the Claremont Colleges (Pitzer) just finished construction of dorms that are environmentally self sustaining. They are equipped to use solar energy, recycle, etc. So, while you hear much about the negative things that are happening, there are also very positive steps being taken. I am beginning to read an article in Time magazine about billionaires who are using their money for philanthropical work. Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros are two examples of this. I'll keep on reading and see what made them decide to share their wealth and how all of us can share some of our own wealth, not necessarily financial wealth but other kinds of wealth. The people I mentioned who work with people with special needs are sharing more than financial wealth--they're sharing their knowledge, time, love and care...


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